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Kauai Heritage Center Kauai
  Website: www.Kaieie.org

Phone: (808) 346-7574

Kapaa, HI 96746

Island: Kauai

Service Area: Kauai & Outer Islands

The Kaua`i Heritage Center supports Hawaiian concepts of service that motivate and inspire kela or excellence. We provide a full range of cultural programs and consulting services to create authentic, meaningful experiences for our clients. Hälau Palaihiwa O Kaipuwai is a traditional hula school offering formal instruction in hula kahiko, hula `auana, oli, ha`i mo`olelo and nä hana no`eau.

The Kaua`i Heritage Center

The Kaua`i Heritage Center promotes and facilitates Hawaiian concepts of service that
motivate and inspire kela or excellence.  

It is our mana`o or belief that the perpetuation of Hawai`i's
cultural traditions and values is possible if we actively
contribute to the cycles of teaching, sharing and learning.

We provide a full range of cultural programs and
consulting services designed to create authentic, meaningful
experiences for our clients.  Inspired by the native environment,
customs and profound knowledge of the Hawaiian people, we
look to Hawai`i's ancient past for exemplary models to guide us
into the future.

Hälau Palaihiwa O Kaipuwai is a traditional hula school
founded on Kaua`i Island in 1945 by Kumu Hula, Helen        
Kaipuwai Kekua Waiau.  Now under the direction of her grand-
daughter, Këhaulani Kekua, the halau offers formal instruction
in hula kahiko, hula `auana, oli, ha`i mo`olelo and nä hana no`eau.  
Study of traditional Hawaiian protocol and cultural perspectives are
also incorporated into every student’s learning experiences.

Hälau Palaihiwa O Kaipuwai

Hälau Palaihiwa O Kaipuwai is named for the palapalai hiwa
or the highly cherished black-stemmed palapalai fern that only
thrives in the pristine depths of the native Hawaiian forest.  The
hälau is also named for its founder and the different kumu hula
of the family’s maternal lineage who also carried the name of
Kaipuwai.  The hälau's foundation of knowledge, experience
and practice of hula is descended from a family tradition        
associated with Ka Ulu A Lono -- a heiau hula formerly located
at Wahiawa, Kaua`i.

Kaua`i's ancient hula culture and traditions are unique and
significant.  For Kumu Hula, Këhaulani Kekua, perpetuating her
family’s legacy of hula is a responsibility and an obligation of
honor.  Her primary purpose is to perpetuate hula as a traditional
discipline and art form of cultural excellence.  

Ka`ie`ie Foundation

`Eli`eli külana o `Äina`ike...

The words to this `ölelo no`eau or ancient Hawaiian proverb translates to
say,  "Profound is the nature of `Äina`ike.”  It references a person who is
respected for the depth of his or her knowledge.  There is a play on words,
`eli`eli (profound and deep) and `Äina`ike (“Land of knowledge”).  Another
cultural perspective is to understand that the intellect of the Hawaiian people
is deeply rooted in the antiquity of the land itself.  `Äina`ike is also a wahi
pana - a special and storied place that is located in the district of Kona here
on Kaua`i. Today, Kona is more commonly referred to as the Waimea district.

It is the basis of this `ölelo no`eau that motivates our vision that perpetuating
the essence of Hawaiian culture is to integrate it back into the lifestyle of the
native peoples of these islands.

The Ka`ie`ie Foundation is a native Hawaiian non-profit organization whose  
purpose is to perpetuate customary practices and art forms of Hawai`i through
cultural education opportunities.  It directly provides support for Hawaiian
programs, study and research initiatives of the Kaua`i Heritage Center
and Hälau Palaihiwa Kaipuwai.

Keepers of Ancestral Inspired Education – an Institute for cultural Excellence

A Native Hawaiian Non-Profit Organization Supporting the Perpetuation
of Customary Practices and Art Forms through Cultural Education Opportunities.

Ka`ie`ie Foundation
4-941 Kühiö Highway
Kapa`a, Kaua`i, Hawai`i96746
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